Friday, May 15, 2020
Suicide Terrorism And Islamic Fundamentalism - 991 Words
Dying To Win, Robert A. Pape challenges the views about why suicide terrorists do what they do and to whom. Pape is trying to convey that suicide terrorism is rising around the world (Pape pg. 6). Since many terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by Muslim terrorist motivated by religious beliefs, it makes people think that Islamic fundamentalism is the central cause. The connection between suicide terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism is incorrect, and encourage foreign countries to harm many Muslims people that are harmless. The author has assembled a database that accounts â€Å"every suicide bombing and attack around the globe from 1980 through 2003†(Pape pg. 7). There were 315 of terrorist suicide attacks at all. Pape believes that the data proves that there is little connection between suicide terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism. The main agitator of suicide attacks is â€Å"the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka, a Marxist-Leninist group whose members are from Hindu families but who are adamantly opposed to religion†(Pape pg. 9). The Tamil Tigers committed 76 of the 315 suicide attacks. The author clearly and convincingly gets his message across by supporting his ideas using a database of the suicide attacks. The database helps the reader knows what all terrorist attacks have in common. All suicide attacks have in common that â€Å"terrorist want to force modern democracies to withdraw military forces from territory that the terrorists consider to be their homeland†(Pape pg. 9).Show MoreRelatedWar in Iraq Essay1159 Words  | 5 Pagesgovernment has said that it is to fight terrorism or to bring democracy to the Middle Eastern nations. There happens to be a barrier that stands in the way of both those goals and that would be Islamic Fundamentalism. 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