Monday, September 30, 2019
A detailed lesson plan in speech communication
Can you tell me some of the principles and what It means? Raise your hand If you want to answer. Good! What else? I could sense that you have listen intently on the lesson, do you have any questions Let's proceed to the next topic. B. MOTIVATION The people on the right side would be group A and the people on the left side would be group B. Then you have to pick 10 volunteers on each group who would participate on our activity. The 10 people are going to play the â€Å"Telephone game†are you familiar with this game? Yes, that's correct.You should form a straight line and then face the opposite side of your opponent, then the person at the end of the line would whisper a quote and you loud whisper it to the person in front of you until it reaches the person at the beginning of the line and that person would write the message he was told. You can create a strategy of your own as long as it is honest and take note this is a whispering game that is why it should be done quietly, a lso it should be perfectly copied meaning spelling and punctuations should be regarded. Any group which violates the rules by cheating will be disqualified.However, listening is different from hearing; can anyone tell me what the difference is? Very well said. Hearing is the process in which sound waves strike the eardrum and cause vibrations that are transmitted to the brain while listening occurs when the brain reconstructs these electrochemical impulses into a representation of the original sound and gives them meaning. So your classmates is right when he said that listening is that your paying attention or giving your complete attention to someone. This is not natural so we have to exert effort and time to master it.But it's different sometimes we have â€Å"selective hearing†when Mom would yell and say, â€Å"throw the garbage. †You can't hear but even with a soft voice she would say, â€Å"do you want some boon? O can hear it right away. 0 Someone said that to be a good communicator you must first be a good listener. Also, if you would form another word from listen what word would it be that has something to do when you listen? (fly 2nd airplane) Any idea about that? That's right! When we use the name of that someone it helps us remember it and shows that we are interested with that person. Fly the 3rd airplane) What does that mean to you? Yes, do not go around the bush wasting precious time. You must remember that time is valuable and if you have to say something important you should say it concisely and clearly. Go straight to the point and if ever you commit a mistake don't make excuses but be willing to admit it. What are the first 3 steps to effective communication? So far so good. (4th airplane) Meaning? Correct! Isn't it one of the steps is listening you should know when to listen and when to speak. Communication is a two-way street.Usually this happens when we get too excited to share a similar experience with a friend that we do not really listen to what he is saying. In addition, when one of our friend has a problem and shares it with us, our minds get busy thinking for a solution to that problem without realizing we do to really listen to that friend. (fly 5th airplane) Great! When we talk with someone we should not stare but keep an eye-contact which shows confidence. Keep in mind that 95% of our communication is non-verbal that is why we should also be careful with this aspect as it may send the wrong message to someone. Throw 6th airplane) These are â€Å"fillers†such as â€Å"Uh,†â€Å"mum,†which are unnecessary when we talk. We should also be careful with this because we might bore our listener and send the message that we are not sure of what we are talking about, So what are the 6 steps to effective communication? This is important meaning rapport or harmonious relationship with our audience or listener. When we create an atmosphere of openness it's like an invitation where in your listener would feel at ease and that they would not feel threatened or awkward with you.As the speaker, you should also consider ways to prevent interruptions and be sensitive with it to understand the listener. Do you want to add something else? So what are the 7 steps to effective communication? Cool!! E. APPLICATION Now, let me have the box Vive passed around. I would pick 4 names and those people would go outside the room. Ready? To the group inside the classroom, Just respond to the person who would come inside the room depending on the paper I would post before the participant would strike a conversation.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Explain the importance of Curley’s Wife in the novel Essay
Plan: * Symbols – red lipstick * Not given a name Curley’s wife may seem an insignificant character because she has not even been given a name by Steinbeck. Her name suggests that she is nothing more than one of Curley’s possessions. When she first appears in the novel, she is dressed up as if she is planning on going out into town, rather than just spending her day wandering around the ranch. The image of her being a sex object is emphasised by the fact that Curley keeps a ‘glove fulla Vaseline’, for her benefit. However, Curley’s wife is influential to the book as she characterises loneliness, the longing for the American dream, danger and sexism. Her appearances in the novel are extremely important at they change the entire mood of the scene in which she appears in. We see that the first time we are introduced to Curley’s wife, she is heavily made up; â€Å"full, rouged lips†, â€Å"red fingernails†and â€Å"red mules†. The colour red symbolises danger and sexiness, and the fact that she is wearing these items creates a sense of foreboding that she will be the cause of George and Lennie’s failure to achieve their dream of having their own plot of land. Another symbol is shown by â€Å"the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off†. This immediately creates a sense of danger and doom in the reader’s mind due to the absence of light. However, we can see that the reason for Curley’s wife being flirtatious is because she wants to get away from the loneliness that surrounds her. By flirting, it means she can communicate with other men who otherwise would not talk to her because they do not want any trouble with Curley. However, by being flirtatious, she actually increases the hostility of the other men on the ranch as they become suspicious. We can see that she tells Lennie; â€Å"I get lonely†¦Ain’t I got the right to talk to nobody?†However, she then explains the reason behind her flirtatious nature; â€Å"I can’t talk to nobody but Curley. Else he gets mad.†However, we actually see that the marriage between them is already starting to break down because Curley thinks that his wife is â€Å"givin Slim the eye†. Curley’s wife is also important as she conveys the theme of sexism. We see that Curley, who keeps his hand soft for her, regards her as a sexual object. Instead of showing any consideration towards his wife, Curley only wants to increase his sexual prowess. The only way in which Curley’s wife can talk to other men is by; â€Å"dolling up†. However, when she does this, they talk even less to her, driving her behaviour further. Therefore, she remains excluded from everyone. We even see that Whit regards Susy higher than Curley’s wife; â€Å"a laugh†and â€Å"hell of a nice place†. This is a rare time when any woman in the novel is actually shown any kindness, and a complement. Curely’s wife, as with many of the other characters, wants to live out the American dream; â€Å"Coulda been in the movies†. It is this dream that drives and compels her to carry on with her otherwise miserable life on the ranch. However, her sudden death shatters her only hope of being able to get away from ranch life, where she is clearly not happy. We can see that the shattering of her dream is mirrored exactly by the death of Lennie, ending the dream for George and Candy. This shows that because she failed living the American dream, it is an ominous foreboding of the fate for George and Lennie. Curley’s wife also plays an essential part in the novel, as she plays crucial parts in changing the mood of the scene. When she is first introduced, hope created by the arrival of Candy is wiped out and the reader gets an ominous warning, which is emphasised by George’s caution to Lennie; â€Å"you keep away from her†¦jail bait†. Furthermore, when Curley’s wife arrives in chapter four, the excited mood created by wanting to achieve the American dream, changes to a more melancholy mood. We can see that because Curley’s wife is lonely all the time, she has turned into a spiteful and vicious person; â€Å"a nigger and a dum dum an’ a lousy ol’ sheep†.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Analysing The Characters Of Hedda Gabler English Literature Essay
Analysing The Characters Of Hedda Gabler English Literature Essay We are introduced to Hedda Gabler as the daughter of the venerated General Gabler, and as a woman born into an extremely wealthy aristocratic family. Though having lived a pampered life, she believed her time as a single woman was growing thin, leading her to marry George Tesman, a man she clearly no longer has feelings for – if indeed she ever did. Throughout the rest of Henrik Ibsen’s play Hedda Gabler, we observe how Hedda’s obsession with freedom and free will conflict with the norms of nineteenth-century society which surrounds her, leading her to manipulate those around her, and eventually her own death. It would seem that Hedda’s greatest asset throughout the play is her ability to manipulate the individuals around her. The tediousness of monogamy is most likely the largest driving factor for her scheming all through the play: â€Å"How mortally bored I’ve been† [ 1 ]  as she conveys it to Judge Brack. The deception of others i s one of her solutions to the suppressed life she must lead under the nineteenth-century societal standards. We witness her feign friendship in the conversation between her and Miss Tesman, all the while deviously making remarks about her hat: â€Å"Look there! She has left her old bonnet lying aboutà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦fancy, if anyone should come in and see it!†. [ 2 ]  We witness her clandestine motives when she burns Eilert Là ¸vborg’s manuscript and convinces her husband that she did it because she â€Å"could not bear the idea that any one should throw you [George] into the shade†. [ 3 ]  We also see evidence of her suppressed emotions as she â€Å"walks about the room, raising her arms and clenching her fists as if in desperation†. [ 4 ]  Her greatest skill however lies with her ability to extort information and secrets from others; as Eilert remarks about their past relationship: â€Å"[I] told you about myself, things that no on e else knew†. [ 5 ]  She frequently displays her talent of asking questions without actually answering any on her part; soon after, Eilert asks: â€Å"What was the power in you that forced me to confess these things?†to which Hedda replies elusively: â€Å"Do you think it was any power in me?†. [ 6 ]  Hedda feels as though she can suppress the boredom in her life by obtaining power over others. When asked by Mrs. Elvsted why she is manipulating Eilert so, she replies: â€Å"I want for once in my life to have power to mould a human destiny†. [ 7 ]  Although Hedda is wealthy, she considers herself lacking in influence, and thereby poor. If Hedda cannot attain any sort of power – whether it is political, authoritative, or pecuniary – then she must find power through the lives of others. Because Hedda is proscribed from carrying out the life that she wishes to live, she finds that she must live vicariously. However, the life of another woman – namely Mrs. Elvsted – would not suit Hedda’s criteria, for she is just as subdued as any other woman during that time. We come across this notion when Hedda asks to Là ¸vborg:
Friday, September 27, 2019
Racism by culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Racism by culture - Research Paper Example What is this survived "dinosaur" of the last eras called racism? The given work will explain the essence of the modern racism and prove that the roots of racist ideas are in the educational and cultural environment a person is brought up in. Racism is the set of views, based on the ideas of physical and intellectual inequality of human races and of the decisive influence of racial distinctions on history and culture. There is also a little broader definition of racism that can be found in encyclopedias, which state that racial signs impose decisive influence on abilities, intelligence, moral and behavioral features and traits of people’ s character (Flanagan et al 515). Racism includes the ideas about initial division of people into the highest and the lowest races, the first of which are the founders of the civilization, thus they want and should dominate over the second. â€Å"Racism is the overarching societal paradigm that tolerates, accepts, and reinforces racial inequalities, and is associated with racially unequal opportunities for children to learn and thrive. Racial inequalities result in the discriminatory treatment of people of minority status. For instance, individuals from historically marginalized racial groups may be perceived as less worthy or less intelligent than those from the majority culture. At the same time, children or communities from the majority culture are allowed to maintain their established privileged and valued status. This privilege can result in better treatment and opportunities than are afforded to others within educational systems and other social institutions. The presence of racism in educational settings harms everyone, but has the most negative and lasting impact on racial minority groups†(Racism, prejudice, and discrimination).The implementation of racist theories in practice
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Colgan Air flight crash Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Colgan Air flight crash - Essay Example Based on the investigations from the National Transport Safety Board (NTSB), the accident was as a result of the pilot not being able to respond to stall warnings in a proper manner. There is high probability that the plain crush was as a result of improper training of the captain. It is the families of the victims that brought about a significant improvement in American flights; â€Å"Due to a tireless campaign from the families of the victims on that flight, the Federal Aviation Administration, or FAA, announced [†¦] it would increase the qualification requirements and training standards for pilots...†(Johanson, 2013).As a result of the Colgan air crash investigation, the major change that was made involved issuing of a new rule that outlines enhanced pilot training measures (Schaal, 2013). According to the rule, should any pilot fail to satisfy any form of performance milestone then the commercial airline for which the pilot is working should track their remedial trai ning. According to the new FAA pilot training standards, enhanced pilot training, training on runway safety procedures and dealing with crosswinds must be put in place to prevent faults such as poor response to flight stall warnings (Schaal, 2013). Adjustments have also been made on co-pilot qualification standards. The co-pilots must complete not less 1500 hours of their training in order to qualify for the Airline Transport Pilot Certificate. It is only until then that they can be allowed to fly a commercial plain.
The organisation in it's Environment Case Study
The organisation in it's Environment - Case Study Example There is an Executive Team which includes the Chairman and Chief Software Architect, the CEO, the General Counsel and Secretary, the Chief Financial Officer, senior and group vice presidents from the business units, the CEO of the Europe, the Middle East and Africa regions; the heads of Worldwide Sales, Marketing and Services; Human Resources; and Corporate Marketing. 1) Microsoft is one of the leading brands and one of the top companies featured in Fortune 500 list of companies. The operating system Windows, provided by Microsoft, is one of the most favorite operating systems of most of the people across the world. Apart from this, the office suit supplied by Microsoft which includes MS Word, MS excel etc. can be found on almost all the computers across the globe. Not only does it provide software for home and office computers, laptops and mobile devices but it also is one of the leaders in the Market of servers, gaming products and hardware devices. 2) Creating a Brand Name is one of the toughest jobs for a company. Microsoft has been very successful in creating a Brand Name for itself and is therefore increasing the names in the list of its customers every single hour. 1) The on-line support provided by Microsoft is not... Even the support available on phone is not available 24*7. It should be not that after delivery support for the softwares is an important criteria for the customers making any purchase and the lack of best quality support can definitely has a negative influence in the mind of the customer. 2) It is generally seen that the software products offered by Microsoft have compatibility problems when installed on operating systems other than Windows. Moreover, even Windows does not support many softwares provided by other Vendors. This comes as a hindrance to a consumer intending to buy products from different vendors. 3) Microsoft does not disclose the source code for its product which causes a lot of pain to the end user if he/she desires to do some minor modifications to the product obtained by him in case of any bugs found or some extra features needed to him. 4) Microsoft having its presence across the globe has to be very cautious of its legalities, patents, trademarks, codes, products etc and has to keep a close watch on any development in the legal policies for any country throughout the world. Opportunities: 1) Microsoft has started to capture opportunities in attracting the tech savvy youths in developing countries by introducing softwares in their native language rather than English. Microsoft has also given discretionary authority to the respective government to ensure tight vigilance on malpractices such as eavesdropping and phishing emails. 2) Microsoft has made a smart move by venturing into entertainment segment which is the need of the 21st century youngsters by production of game consoles such as XBOX. Threats: 1) As Microsoft has a wide market share in developing and developed nations,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Do rich countries have a moral duty to end global poverty Essay
Do rich countries have a moral duty to end global poverty - Essay Example Many a times, these benefits are gained by compromising upon the social and economic condition of a poorer country. An in-depth analysis of numerous aspects of the world economy reveals the fact that the consumption patterns of rich countries often offend the bounds of justice, thus making use of the labor, natural resources, land, and even political security of poorer countries to establish such a system of exchange wherein the rich countries keep getting considerable underserved and unearned benefits compared to the poor countries. For example, before 1964, oil companies based in the US purchased the Arabian crude oil for almost $2 a barrel which was sold at a price that gave the US two main subsidies (Corbett, 1993). First, oil companies along with their stockholders gained huge advantages consuming the only significant natural resource that the then powerless and traditionally poor countries had. Secondly, consumers in the US were subsidized to oil prices that were exceptionally cheap for their inefficient cars and other domestic and industrial needs. This happened as a direct subsidy of the poor countries. Today, the price of oil at the wellhead has risen 12 times and reflects more in the money consumers spend on energy than in the profits of the stockholders. Still, purchasing Arabian crude oil is deemed to be cheaper for the US than using her own oil. The subsidy continues in spite of being greatly reduced. The principle of ruling by power and lack of justice not only prevails across countries but is also observed in many areas within the same country. For example, the international corporations based in the US and a very tiny native elite owns major part of the land in Latin America that is used for the production of luxury crops while the indigenous inhabitants of this land have very limited access to the arable land and cannot freely grow crops for their own consumption. These poor inhabitants provide hunger as the subsidy for the luxury of the rich A mericans. It is frequently argued that rich countries have a moral obligation rooted in justice to the poor countries since their patterns of consumption offend the poor countries’ freedom rights. However, the establishment of justice requires stable expectations in reciprocity which although has some basis in the domestic sphere, yet there is no basis for it in the international sphere. This thesis is defended by a discussion of the aspects of justice that can be distinguished as reciprocity for the distribution of wealth across countries, followed by a criticism of the cosmopolitan view on the subject, and the possible implications of transfer of wealth and resources from the rich to the poor countries that make such a deal impracticable in the real world. When there is no institutional framework, a single act of benevolence even if becomes effective in helping the rich country attain its desired objective of helping out the poor country in some way, does not require a prac tice underlying it. In other words, when a rich country wants to do a good turn to a poor country, it may be achievable without any problem. But if the idea behind doing the good turn is that it deserves another in return, the rich countries have a reason to only do a good turn if they can make the poor countries believe that they also share this principle and will do their bit when the time comes. However, this proposition’s second part is unfounded as being true all across
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
A Hero Journey Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
A Hero Journey - Research Paper Example The underlying cause for rebellion and attempts to overthrow King Aegeus was prompted by the fact that the King was childless. After engaging in sexual relationship with Aethra, the daughter of Pittheus, and having convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that Aethra was expecting a child, Aegeus left for Athens but without giving instructions to Aethra. Aegeus instructed Aethra that if she a bore a boy child, she should sent the child to Athens. Aegeus left behind a pair of sandals and sword, which he hid under a huge rock (Bertram and Webster,21). After attaining a mature age, Aethra sent Theseus to Athens as directed by Aegeus so as to claim his birthright. Before this ordeal, Aethra disclosed to Theseus the identity of his real father and thereafter directed him to the rock where Aegeus had hidden the sword and pair of sandals. Since Theseus had developed a well built body and had marshaled great bravery, he lifted the rock with ease and took possession of the tokens (Dryden.8). It is clear that Theseus was being prepared for the adventure ahead. Although he grew under the tutelage of his grandfather (Pittheus) during his formative years, Theseus received the necessary training. Theseus had a personal tutor named Connidas. The journey to Athens proved to be dangerous and risky for Theseus but he overcame the challenges. Initially according to plan, Theseus was supposed to travel to Athens via sea since this was the safer route. It was extremely dangerous by that time for any person to travel by land. Pittheus (Theseus grandfather) and Aethra (Theseus mother) implored him to travel via sea but he refused (Bertram and Webster,pg.12). Theseus instead opted to travel to Athens by land to the astonishment of Pittheus and Aethra. Theseus was much aware of the consequences associated with land travel but he defied the instructions from the seniors. Choosing to travel to Athens by road, Theseus was prepared for any eventuality. This is the stage where
Monday, September 23, 2019
Stereotypes in Gender Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Stereotypes in Gender - Essay Example The very fact that the women gave birth made it someway mandatory that they take care of the children. The women’s terrain got defined inside her house.  When children grow up, it is the environmental conditioning that works strongly to establish this stereotype. Parents set examples, not because they intend to, but as a normal trend of daily activities and behavior. The child watches the father managing the office and the mother taking care of the cooking or the new baby. Girls usually take their mothers as their role models and boys go after their fathers. According to Dr. Benjamin Spock, people are likely to appreciate girls cuteness and boys achievements. Similar gender identification is followed even in schools where a preschooler is taught to distinguish between the man and the woman through the length of the hair or the dress they are wearing. Even gifts given to children support this distinction; girls are traditionally given dolls, while boys are given cars or sports items. Advertisers target their goods at the gender-specific audience and try to influence spending in separate male and female domains. Researcher Krisanne Bursik conducted a study about ego development at Suffolk University in Boston and compared the results to gender-related traits; of the 209 undergrads that she studied, she found that students who had higher levels of ego development were more likely to express non-traditional gender role traits. Male students, those who had less-developed egos viewed high levels of traditional masculinity as the ideal. She noted that in these men, "gender role conflict may occur for men when rigid, sexist or restrictive gender roles, learned during socialization, result in the personal restriction, devaluation, or violation of others or self." Â
Sunday, September 22, 2019
John Steinbacks Of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free
John Steinbacks Of Mice and Men Essay John Steinbacks Of Mice and Men is a tale of two travelling workers in the harsh depression years of 1930s America. Steinback uses a Cyclical Structure upon finishing the book I noticed many similarities between the first and last chapter. The first similarity was the location. In Chapter One Steinback mentions a deserted place near a non-flowing pool, and then introduces both Lennie and George, the same happens in the last chapter but this time Lennie is alone having run away from the ranch. Lennie is shown to the readers as simple-minded and so Steinback uses this to an advantage; His huge companion dropped his blankets and flung himself down and drank from the surface of the green pool; drank with long gulps, snorting into the water like a horse Lennie dipped his whole head under, hat and all, and then he sat up on the bank and his hat dripped down on his blue coat and ran down his back Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water and wiggled his fingers so the water arose in little splashes; rings widened across the pool to the other side and came back again, Lennie watched them go. Look George. Look what I done. Steinback mentions the drinking of the pool water later in Chapter Six. The second similarity that I noticed was of the dream that Lennie and George shared. Just like a little child, Lennie likes the idea of their dream and asks for it to be repeated on numerous occasions. The most significant times are mentioned in the book; at the beginning where they both feel that they are able to achieve the dream and at the end, just before George shoots Lennie. Lennie has this problem where once he holds onto to something he cant let go. In Chapter One George and Lennie are running away from a ranch in Weed, due to Lennie holding onto a girls red silk dress, as he felt the silk, the girl thought that she was going to be sexually assaulted and so panicked. She ran off to tell the other ranch workers giving George and Lennie time to run off. In the Last Chapter Lennie runs from the Soledad ranch to the brush area because he killed Curleys wife. Having to put up with Lennies bad behavior, George feels pressurized and so says that he could live a lot better without Lennie; Why, I could stay in a cat house all night. I could eat any place I want, hotel or any place, and order any damn thing I could think of. This is all mentioned in Chapter One and in the last chapter Georges feelings are represented by Lennies hallucination in the form of Aunt Clara; And then from out of Lennies head there came a little fat old woman. She wore thick bulls-eye glasses and she wore a huge gingham apron with pockets, and she was starched and clean. She stood in front of Lennie and put her hands on her hips, and frowned disapprovingly at him. And when she spoke, it was in Lennies voice. I tol you an tol you, I tol you Min George because hes such a nice fella an good to you But you dont never take no care. You do bad things. You never give a thought to George, hes been doin nice things for you alla time. When he got a piece a pie you always got half or moren half All the time he coulda had such a good time if it wasnt for you. He woulda took his pay an raised hell in a whorehouse, and he coulda set in a poolroom an played snooker. But he got to take care of you. Knowing that he has done something bad this time, Lennie reflects back the entire sayings that him and George said before going to work on the ranch in Soledad. From the Ketchup argument Lennie threatens to leave George and climb up into the mountains, yet again in the last chapter he threatens to go off into the caves to Aunt Clara. Steinbacks use of language describing the water snake and the heron gives the reader a very secretive message; If your not careful something bad may happen, and just like the watersnake being caught by the heron, the watersnake represents Lennie and the heron represents George.
Friday, September 20, 2019
An expository sermon on holy living
An expository sermon on holy living An expository sermon on Holy Living Introduction How many of you feel Holy this morning? Dont worry you dont have to lift up your hands. When some one talks about Holiness the first thing I think about it God and His holiness. This morning I want to talk about our call to a holy livinglife. We all know that we are called to live a holy life but what do we do about it. DO we make any effort towards it or are we just praying for God to make us Holy and waiting for fire to fall down from heaven to make us Holy. We live in a world where holiness has lost its meaning. In this contemporary society everything goes, we can do anything as long as we feel good about it. What is our responsibility in this world, What are we called to do in this un holy situation? So we are going to look at the reasons why we are called to live a Holy life. Main Points 1. We are called to live a holy life because He is holy (1: 16) A] Real meaning of holy The word Holy is derived from a cluster of words in Greek. It means to be pure, to be set apart, sanctify and so on. But no meaning of this word can describe it properly.[1] Christ was the perfect example for Holiness. Be Holy for I am Holy is mentioned for about 5 times in the Bible. Holiness is not a new thing which the apostles discovered in the New Testament, it was present from the beginning of the Old Testament. He God gave Moses all the laws not to make their life difficult but to bring them one step closer to holiness; one step closer to Himself. B] One of the fundamental characteristics of God Gods Holiness can neither be understood nor grasped by our human minds. Holiness is one of the images of God which was lost in the garden of Eden. It could be only replaced by God Himself, by dying on the cross and making us pure. HE is always Holy. We are called to live like Him. So we are called to be Holy. When we were made we were made in the image of God. One of His fundamental images is holiness. So we were obviously made Holy. But we fell from our holiness because of our disobedience. We are missing out in one of the fundamental images of God. We have to be made into his image so one day we can see His face. If we are not made into His image we will not see Him face to face. It is just as simple as that; if we are not holy, we will not see God. C] Illustration Once, as an experiment, the great scientist Isaac Newton stared at the image of the sun reflected in a mirror. The brightness burned into his retina, and he suffered temporary blindness. Even after he hid for three days behind closed shutters, still the bright spot would not fade from his vision. I used all means to divert my imagination from the sun, he writes, But if I thought upon him I presently saw his picture though I was in the dark. If he had stared a few minutes longer, Newton might have permanently lost all vision. The chemical receptors that govern eyesight cannot withstand the full force of unfiltered sunlight. There is a parable in Isaac Newtons experiment, This is what the Israelites experienced in the wilderness. They had attempted to live with the Lord of the Universe visibly present in their midst; but, in the end, out of all the thousands who had so gladly fled Egypt, only two survived Gods Presence. They were all revealed and called to be Holy as God. But only two survived in the end.[2] 2. We are called to live a holy life because we do not conform to evil desires (1: 14) A] We also have our share in Holiness (Hebrews 12: 14) It is true that when we come to salvation in Christ He washes all our sins away and makes us Holy. We become perfect and clean through Jesus, but it is our duty to then keep ourselves clean. Holiness is not only what God can give to us but it is also what we can manifest with what He gave us. Paul says it quite clearly in Hebrews 12 : 14 (NIV) To make Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be Holy. ; Without without which we cannot see Godholiness no one will see the Lord. Holiness is a serious matter. We tend to take God for granted. When we give in or conform to the evil desires of the world, we say that it wasnt our fault but it is our flesh. We blame it on our human nature. Paul challenges us not to try to be holy but take every effort possible in other words we must strive or even fight to be Holy. Effort means to use energy to get something done.[3] Holiness should be such a longing of our heart that we would put our whole energy to get it done. B] No compromise in Holiness Holiness is being spotlessly clean. Without Holiness we can never enter the presence of God. The Old Testament priests were the perfect example of this. The priest entered the presence of God only once a year. They dreaded that moment. Thought it was regarded very high to enter the Holy of Holies, it was dreadful at the same time. In that moment if they were found guilty of sin , there was no time for explanation they were just struck dead. They prepared themselves for the whole year for that one day in Gods presence, the presence of the Holy God. We are so privileged that there is no curtain between God and us, we dont need a high priest to stand in for us anymore, Christ has already done it for us. We can enter Gods presence anytime anywhere we want. As for us its not a once a year thing its an every day thing. WE are living in the age of grace, God does not strike us dead anymore, though grace is available for free it is not cheap, so let us not take it for granted. C] Illustration In the forests of northern Europe and Asia lives little animal called the ermine, known for his snow-white fur in winter. He instinctively protects his white coat against anything that would soil it. Fur hunters take advantage of this unusual trait of the ermine. They dont set a snare to catch him, but instead they find his home, which is usually a cleft in a rock or a hollow in an old tree. They smear the entrance and interior with grime. Then the hunters set their dogs loose to find and chase the ermine. The frightened animal flees toward home but doesnt enter because of the filth. Rather than soil his white coat, he is trapped by the dogs and captured while preserving his purity. For the ermine, purity is more precious than life. HGB[4] It doesnt always cost our lives to be Holy. But most of the time it could cost things or people that are dear to our hearts. When we are of this world, we make the things of the world our own. We usually cling to things and people which could take Gods place in our lives. So when we come to Christ we ought to replace them with Christ. When we do the right thing, even our own friends might not understand us, their there might even come times where we have to give them up for holiness, for there is no compromise on Holiness. 3. We are called to live a holy life because we were redeemed by the precious blood. (1: 23) A] Free access to Holiness The way of Holiness (Isaiah 35 : 8) It is true that we dont have to do anything to become Holy because we are washed by His blood. But we have to take effort in keeping it. It is quite clear in Isaiah 35: 8 that the way to God is holiness, there is no other way. Christ has done his part, by making the way. But to keep our self on the highway or to get kicked off lies on our hands. There is no place for unclean or wicked people on this road. B] Set Apart to be an example We are set apart and called to be holy not to seclude ourselves from the world but to be the light. D.L. Moody, A holy life will make the deepest impression. Lighthouses blow no horns, they just shine. One of the misconceptions in the churches today is that they become holy and they become literally set apart. They dont associate or mingle with the people of this world. They develop something which is famously called as the Holy huddle. They become so holy that the people of this world cannot even get close to them, they just have to be set apart. But that is not what God has called us to be. The difference between the Pharisees and Jesus was that Jesus toughed touched the unclean but they didnt. The Pharisees where were Holy as well, they did everything God commanded them to, but they didnt understand it. We are not called to be a Pharisee but we are called to be more like Him. We are not made Holy to be set in museums as specimens but to reach out to the unclean in turn. When we be come holy day by day let us be humbled by the fact that we dont deserve it , but it is through grace. Reach out to make them Holy. As the story of Isaac Newtons experience let our holiness hurt their eyes, not to chase them away from us but to draw them closer to Him who has called us to be Set apart, to be Holy. In conclusion let us make every effort to be more like Him every day. Let us just not sit back and pray for holiness but take every effort to be holy. Holiness is not only what God gives us but it is what we manifest with what He gave. Let us not compromise with the things of the world. Are we willing to lay down everything to pursue holiness? Holiness is not only works and deeds but is also passionately pursuing a relationship with God. Let us never compromise with holiness. If you are thinking that you have done all these all through out your life. Youve always been pursuing God for holiness and have a wonderful relationship with God, then dont become a Pharisee. Let us not settle down in that place in a holy huddle but let us affect others with our holiness. Let us be a light shining in this unholy land. We are set apart not to be in a museum but to be a light, that hurts the eyes but still draws them closer. Bibliography [03 September 2009] Fwd. Ogilvie, L. J. Nelsons Three in One Bible Reference Companion Nashville: Thomas nelson Publisher, 1982 [03 September 2009] Ed.. Martin Ralph p. and Davids, Peter H, Dictionary of the Latter New Testament and its development Leicester: Inter Varsity Press, 1997. [1] Ed. Ralh P. Martin and Peter H. Davids, Dictionary of the Latter New Testament and its development (Leicester: Inter Varsity Press, 1997), p. 485. [2] [03 September 2009] [3] Fwd. Dr. Llyod John Ogilvie, Nelsons Three in One Bible Reference Companion (Nashville: Thomas nelson Publisher, 1982), p. 206. [4] [03 September 2009]
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Problem of Youths Education and Socialization :: Teaching Education Research
Philosophic-Methodological and Social-Cultural Factors in the Problem of Youth's Education and Socialization Missing Works Cited ABSTRACT: The socialization of youth is currently in crisis. Education is in crisis across the world. The correlation between socialization and education is a crucial theoretical as well as a practical problem. Schools are the main institution of socialization. Education possesses two different functions: social reproduction and development. The way of life in any concrete society requires stable forms of socialization. The introduction of new generation into the social lifeâ€â€is one of the most ancient and eternal problems of humanity. The topicality of youth's socialization doesn't even grow dim in the present-day conditions but even becomes more acute and problematical character. There are many evidences which prove out it. Don't even remember the notorious problem of  «fathers » and  «children » it`s enough to say that not only in the course of the last decade one of the main institutes of youth's socializationâ€â€educationâ€â€endures deep and protracted crisis. The different levels' instances nearly in all countries are busy now with the search of the ways regarding to the solution of the crisis of education and the increase of the effectiveness of the work with the youth. But the decision of these problems hasn't been found yet (see 1). Here we dwell only on some points which are important for understanding of the essence and necessary for the decision of these problems. In most problems and positions, in which now the processes of education are represented, and it obvious aim, as a rule, it is the development of person. As for the content, it realizes in the study of the bases of the scientific knowledge about the world social invironment, and also at the assimilation of the elementary labour skills, norms and values of the collective activity. However in connection with increase of standard of scientific equipement of life the content`s space of education is filled up more and more with actual scientific information, thus constantly excluding from it other components with persistence. We see 3 problems here, they are the aim, the completeness and the content of education. Let us dwell on them. First of all, we must point out that the institute of the socialization had appeared in our society long before the appearance of the necessity of mastering of the science information. Then socialization evoluated in education. Now they are often heard like the synonyms, as a result of not clear and to wide using of them.
Death Camp Essay -- essays research papers
     Throughout history, injustices on humanity have been visible. The Jewish Holocaust has to be one of the most prominent. In 1933, the Nazi Party led by Adolf Hitler sanctioned anti-Jew campaigns that included the Nuremberg Laws, which defined the meaning of being Jewish based on ancestry. Because of these laws, Jews were isolated from society. This was only a meager element of what European Jews had yet to endure. Jews were progressively forced out of the German Economy, and their assets were turned over to the German government and the public. With the degradation of the Jewish people came organized demonstrations by the Germans. Businesses were destroyed, synagogues demolished, and nearly a hundred Jews killed. In many ways this was the start of Hitler and his Nazi’s Aryanization. In a meeting of Hitler’s elite officials, the idea of complete annihilation of Jews in Europe was manufactured. In 1938 the Nazi’s plan for the Jewish people were outlined in â€Å"The Final Solution.†This was a plan that included deportation, exploitation, and eventually extermination of European Jews. Derivations from â€Å"The Final Solution†were concentration and death camps of Germany and Poland and other parts of Nazi controlled Europe. In September 1939, Germany invaded western Poland. Jews that remained in German controlled territories were taken to ghettos and/or concentration camps that were set up to alienate Jews from the rest of the public. The quality of l...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Audience Unveiled :: Book Audience Audiences Essays
The Audience Unveiled The value of a book depends on the audience. The audience values in a book what is useful. But what is useful to a writer may be junk to those who don’t care to write. I am a writer. I can use a book that gives lessons in writing, a book that helps me write better. I don’t find a book on dry-wall installation useful; it may be entertaining, but entertaining is not useful. A useful book is important where an entertaining book is insignificant. However, one book may have both qualities; especially if that book is trying to reach a broad audience. But a book trying to reach the narrow audience runs the risk of being completely useless and utterly insignificant to a lot of people. Books that target broad audiences differ from books that target narrow audiences. From appearance to content, the books differ. The differences in two books can say a lot about the audience that the author had in mind. Authors understand that the world’s collective group of readers is huge, so huge that one book can’t be useful to everyone. The author picks an audience if she wants to reach anyone. The targeted audience will respond to a specific style.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas- Critical Analysis
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by Alethea Chong (Ally) ~ Critical Analysis ~ The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a novel that was written by John Boyne. It was first published in 2006. John Boyne was born in Ireland 1971 and is the author of six novels. His novels were published in over 30 languages. Because people were inspired by The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, it has now been made into a featured film. The story The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas revolves around the friendship between a 9 year old German boy and a Jewish boy who is in the Auschwitz Concentration Camp.Bruno the German boy is at Auschwitz because his father is the Commandant of the camp. This story shows Bruno’s innocence and the friendship between him and Shmuel. It also reveals the brutality of the Germans to the Jews in World War II. There are many themes that runs through the story of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. I have chosen friendship brutality and fear as the themes I will discuss. Friendship is the most important among the three major themes.An example of the friendship between Bruno and Shmuel was shown by Bruno when he shared his food with Shmuel when he was hungry. Another example was when they played together and confided in each other. Thus a bond of friendship was developed. My final example of friendship was when Bruno helped Shmuel look for his Papa. Bruno had helped a friend in need. However, they did not succeed in finding Shmuel’s father. Both boys tragically ended their short lives in the gas chambers. Brutality is also one of the important themes in the novel.This is clearly defined when Lieutenant Kotler has beaten Pavel up just because he had spilled some wine on the Lieutenant. Also, an example of brutality would be when Lieutenant Kotler hits Shmuel as he was unfairly accused of stealing food.. This is very brutal as no one should ever abuse a child even if they are Jewish. The last exampled of brutality is the way the Germans treat the Jews. They locked th em up in death camps and concentration camps. The German were very brutal, they show no compassion or mercy to the Jews.The last theme that I believe is important is fear. An example of fear was shown by Pavel. He was afraid to disrespect the Lieutenant as he was easily provoked and might do something unpleasant to Pavel. Lieutenant Kotler was also feared by Bruno and Shmuel. They had to be very careful with everything they said to him. They would be in deep trouble if Lieutenant Kotler found out the truth about their friendship. The final example of fear is how afraid the whole world is of the Nazis because they were very powerful. No one dared go against the Nazis.In conclusion, I believe that this is an excellent and remarkable story. It shows how powerful friendship really is. It also demonstrates how brutal human behavior can be. Although the story’s ending was melancholy, there was always hope, friendship and love. I truly enjoyed this story, I learned something about h istory in a way that made me feel and sympathize for the innocent lives which were lost. The author did a terrific job by making the characters so realistic and interesting. The ending was very surprising and devastating.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Shadow Kiss Chapter 5
Five MOST DISCIPLINARY ISSUES AT the Academy went to Headmistress Kirova. She oversaw Moroi and dhampirs alike and was known for her creative and oft-used repertoire of punishments. She wasn't cruel, exactly, but she wasn't soft, either. She simply took student behavior seriously and dealt with it as she saw fit. There were some issues, however, that were beyond her jurisdiction. The school's guardians calling together a disciplinary committee wasn't unheard of, but it was very, very rare. You had to do something pretty serious to piss them off to get that sort of response. Like, say, willfully endangering a Moroi. Or hypothetically willfully endangering a Moroi. â€Å"For the last time,†I growled, â€Å"I didn't do it on purpose.†I sat in one of the guardians' meeting rooms, facing my committee: Alberta, Emil, and one of the other rare female guardians on campus, Celeste. They sat at a long table, looking imposing, while I sat in a single chair and felt very vulnerable. Several other guardians were sitting in and watching, but thankfully, none of my classmates were there to see this humiliation. Dimitri was among the watchers. He was not on the committee, and I wondered if they'd kept him off because of his potentially biased role as my mentor. â€Å"Miss Hathaway,†said Alberta, fully in her strict-captain mode, â€Å"you must know why we have a hard time believing that.†Celeste nodded. â€Å"Guardian Alto saw you. You refused to protect two Moroi – including the one whose protection you were specifically assigned to.†â€Å"I didn't refuse!†I exclaimed. â€Å"I†¦ fumbled.†â€Å"That wasn't a fumble,†said Stan from the watchers. He glanced at Alberta for permission to speak. â€Å"May I?†She nodded, and he turned back to me. â€Å"If you'd blocked or attacked me and then messed up, that would be a fumble. But you didn't block. You didn't attack. You didn't even try. You just stood there like a statue and did nothing.†Understandably, I was outraged. The thought that I would purposely leave Christian and Brandon to be â€Å"killed†by a Strigoi was ridiculous. But what could I do? I either confessed to screwing up majorly or to having seen a ghost. Neither option was appealing, but I had to cut my losses. One made me look incompetent. The other made me look insane. I didn't want to be associated with either of those. I much preferred my usual description of â€Å"reckless†and â€Å"disruptive.†â€Å"Why am I getting in trouble for messing up?†I asked tightly. â€Å"I mean, I saw Ryan mess up earlier. He didn't get in trouble. Isn't that the point of this whole exercise? Practice? If we were perfect, you'd already have unleashed us upon the world!†â€Å"Weren't you listening?†said Stan. I swore I could see a vein throbbing in his forehead. I think he was the only one there as upset as I was. At the very least, he was the only one (aside from me) showing his emotions. The others wore poker faces, but then, none of them had witnessed what had happened. If I'd been in Stan's place, I might have thought the worst of me too. â€Å"You didn't mess up, because ‘messing up' implies that you have to actually do something.†â€Å"Okay, then. I froze.†I looked at him defiantly. â€Å"Does that count as messing up? I cracked under the pressure and blanked out. It turns out I wasn't prepared. The moment came, and I panicked. It happens to novices all the time.†â€Å"To a novice who has already killed Strigoi?†asked Emil. He was from Romania, his accent a bit thicker than Dimitri's Russian one. It wasn't nearly as nice, though. â€Å"It seems unlikely.†I dealt out glares to him and everyone else in the room. â€Å"Oh, I see. After one incident, I'm now expected to be an expert Strigoi killer? I can't panic or be afraid or anything? Makes sense. Thanks, guys. Fair. Real fair.†I slumped back in my seat, arms crossed over my chest. There was no need to fake bitchy defiance. I had plenty of it to dish out. Alberta sighed and leaned forward. â€Å"We're arguing semantics. Technicalities aren't the point here. What's important is that this morning, you made it very clear you did not want to guard Christian Ozera. In fact †¦ I think you even said you wanted us to be sure we knew that you were doing it against your will and that we'd soon see what a horrible idea it was.†Ugh. I had said that. Honestly, what had I been thinking? â€Å"And then, when your first test comes around, we find you completely and utterly unresponsive.†I nearly flew out of my chair. â€Å"That's what this is about? You think I didn't protect him because of some kind of weird revenge thing?†All three of them stared at me expectantly. â€Å"You aren't exactly known for calmly and gracefully accepting things you don't like,†she replied wryly. This time, I did stand up, pointing my finger at her accusingly. â€Å"Not true. I have followed every rule Kirova laid down for me since coming back here. I've gone to every practice and obeyed every curfew.†Well, I'd fudged some of the curfews but not willfully. It had always been for the greater good. â€Å"There's no reason I'd do this as some kind of revenge! What good would it do? Sta – Guardian Alto wasn't going to really hurt Christian, so it's not like I'd get to see him punched or anything. The only thing I would accomplish is getting dragged into the middle of something like this and possibly facing removal from the field experience.†â€Å"You are facing removal from the field experience,†replied Celeste flatly. â€Å"Oh.†I sat down, suddenly not feeling as bold. Silence hung in the room for several moments, and then I heard Dimitri's voice speak from behind me. â€Å"She has a point,†he said. My heart thumped loudly in my chest. Dimitri knew I wouldn't take revenge like that. He didn't think I was petty. â€Å"If she were going to protest or take revenge, she'd do it in a different way.†Well, not too petty, at least. Celeste frowned. â€Å"Yes, but after the scene she made this morning†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Dimitri took a few steps forward and stood beside my chair. Having his solid presence nearby comforted me. I had a flash of d? ¦j? ¤ vu, back to when Lissa and I had returned to the Academy last autumn. Headmistress Kirova had nearly expelled me, and Dimitri had stood up for me then too. â€Å"This is all circumstantial,†he said. â€Å"Regardless of how suspicious you think it looks, there's no proof. Removing her from the experience – and essentially ruining her graduation – is a bit extreme without any certainties.†The committee looked thoughtful, and I focused my attention on Alberta. She had the most power here. I'd always liked her, and in our time together, she'd been strict but always scrupulously fair. I hoped that would still hold true. She beckoned Celeste and Emil toward her, and the other two guardians leaned closer. They had a whispered conference. Alberta gave a resigned nod, and the others leaned back. â€Å"Miss Hathaway, do you have anything you'd like to say before we tell you our conclusions?†That I'd like to say? Hell, yeah. There were tons of things. I wanted to say that I wasn't incompetent. I wanted to tell them that I was one of the best novices here. I wanted to tell them that I had seen Stan coming and had been on the verge of reacting. I especially wanted to tell them that I didn't want to have this mark on my record. Even if I stayed in the field experience, I'd essentially have an F for this first test. It would affect my overall grade, which could subsequently affect my future. But again, what choice did I have? Tell them that I'd seen a ghost? The ghost of a guy who'd had a major crush on me and who had quite likely died because of that crush? I still didn't know what was going on with these sightings. One time I could write off to exhaustion†¦but I'd seen him – or it – twice now. Was he real? My higher reasoning said no, but honestly, it didn't matter at the moment. If he was real and I told them, they'd think I was crazy. If he wasn't real and I told them, they'd think I was crazy – and they'd be right. I couldn't win here. â€Å"No, Guardian Petrov,†I said, hoping I sounded meek. â€Å"Nothing more to add.†â€Å"All right,†she said wearily. â€Å"Here's what we've decided. You're lucky you have Guardian Belikov to advocate for you, or this decision might have been different. We're giving you the benefit of the doubt. You'll go on with the field experience and continue to guard Mr. Ozera. You'll just be on a probation of sorts.†â€Å"That's okay,†I said. I'd been on probation for most of my academic life. â€Å"Thank you.†â€Å"And,†she added. Uh-oh. â€Å"Because the suspicion isn't entirely removed, you'll be spending your day off this week doing community service.†I jumped out of my chair again. â€Å"What?†Dimitri's hand wrapped around my wrist, his fingers warm and controlling. â€Å"Sit down,†he murmured in my ear, tugging me toward the chair. â€Å"Take what you can get.†â€Å"If that's a problem, we can make it next week too,†warned Celeste. â€Å"And the next five after that.†I sat down and shook my head. â€Å"I'm sorry. Thank you.†The hearing dispersed, and I was left feeling weary and beaten. Had only one day gone by? Surely the happy excitement I'd felt before the field experience had been weeks ago and not this morning. Alberta told me to go find Christian, but Dimitri asked if he could have some time alone with me. She agreed, no doubt hoping he'd set me on the straight and narrow. The room emptied, and I thought he'd sit and talk to me then and there, but instead he walked over to a small table that held a water dispenser, coffee, and other beverages. â€Å"You want some hot chocolate?†he asked. I hadn't expected that. â€Å"Sure.†He dumped four packets of instant hot chocolate into two Styrofoam cups and then added in hot water. â€Å"Doubling it is the secret,†he said when the cups were full. He handed me mine, along with a wooden stirrer, and then walked toward a side door. Presuming I was supposed to follow him, I scurried to catch up without spilling my hot chocolate. â€Å"Where are we – oh.†I stepped through the doorway and found myself in a little glass-enclosed porch filled with small patio tables. I'd had no idea this porch was adjacent to the meeting room, but then, this was the building the guardians conducted all campus business out of. Novices were rarely allowed. I also hadn't realized the building was built around a small courtyard, which was what this porch looked out to. In the summer, I imagined one could open the windows and be surrounded in greenery and warm air. Now, encased in glass and frost, I felt like I was in some kind of an ice palace. Dimitri swept his hand over a chair, brushing off dust. I did the same and sat down opposite him. Apparently this room didn't see a lot of use in the winter. Because it was enclosed, the room was warmer than outdoors, but it wasn't heated otherwise. The air felt chilly, and I warmed my hands on my cup. Silence fell between Dimitri and me. The only noise came from me blowing on my hot chocolate. He drank his right away. He'd been killing Strigoi for years. What was a little scalding water here and there? As we sat, and the quiet grew, I studied him over the edge of my cup. He wasn't looking at me, but I knew he knew I was watching. Like every other time I looked at him, I was always struck by his looks first. The soft dark hair that he often tucked behind his ears without realizing it, hair that never quite wanted to stay in its tie at the back of his neck. His eyes were brown too, somehow gentle and fierce at the same time. His lips had that same contradictory quality, I realized. When he was fighting or dealing with something grim, those lips would flatten and turn hard. But in lighter times †¦ when he laughed or kissed†¦well, then they'd become soft and wonderful. Today, more than his exterior hit me. I felt warm and safe just being with him. He brought comfort after my terrible day. So often with other people, I felt a need to be the center of attention, to be funny and always have something clever to say. It was a habit I needed to shake to be a guardian, seeing as that job required so much silence. But with Dimitri, I never felt like I had to be anything more than what I already was. I didn't have to entertain him or think up jokes or even flirt. It was enough to just be together, to be so completely comfortable in each other's presence – smoldering sexual tension aside – that we lost all sense of self-consciousness. I exhaled and drank my cocoa. â€Å"What happened out there?†he asked at last, meeting my gaze. â€Å"You didn't crack under the pressure.†His voice was curious, not accusatory. He wasn't treating me as a student right now, I realized. He was regarding me as an equal. He simply wanted to know what was going on with me. There was no discipline or lecturing here. And that just made it all the worse when I had to lie to him. â€Å"Of course it was,†I told him, looking down into my cup. â€Å"Unless you believe I really did let Stan ‘attack' Christian.†â€Å"No,†he said. â€Å"I don't believe that. I never did. I knew you'd be unhappy when you found out about the assignments, but I never once doubted that you'd do what you'd have to for this. I knew you wouldn't let your personal feelings get in the way of your duty.†I looked up again and met his eyes, so full of faith and absolute confidence in me. â€Å"I didn't. I was mad†¦Still am a little. But once I said I'd do it, I meant it. And after spending some time with him†¦well, I don't hate him. I actually think he's good for Lissa, and he cares about her, so I can't get upset about that. He and I just clash sometimes, that's all†¦ but we did really well together against the Strigoi. I remembered that while I was with him today, and arguing against this assignment just seemed stupid. So I decided to do the best job I could.†I hadn't meant to talk so much, but it felt good to let out what was inside of me, and the look on Dimitri's face would have gotten me to say anything. Almost anything. â€Å"What happened then?†he asked. â€Å"With Stan?†I averted my eyes and played with my cup again. I hated keeping things from him, but I couldn't tell him about this. In the human world, vampires and dhampirs were creatures of myth and legend – bedtime stories to scare children. Humans didn't know we were real and walking the earth. But just because we were real didn't mean that every other story-time paranormal creature was. We knew that and had our own myths and bedtime stories about things we didn't believe in. Werewolves. Bogeymen. Ghosts. Ghosts played no real role in our culture, short of being fodder for pranks and campfire tales. Ghosts inevitably came up on Halloween, and some legends endured over the years. But in real life? No ghosts. If you came back after death, it was because you were a Strigoi. At least, that's what I'd always been taught. I honestly didn't know enough now to say what was going on. Me imagining Mason seemed more likely than him being a true ghost, but man, that meant I might seriously be heading into crazy territory. All this time I'd worried about Lissa losing it. Who had known it might be me? Dimitri was still watching me, waiting for an answer. â€Å"I don't know what happened out there. My intentions were good †¦ I just†¦ I just messed up.†â€Å"Rose. You're a terrible liar.†I glanced up. â€Å"No, I'm not. I've told a lot of good lies in my life. People have believed them.†He smiled slightly. â€Å"I'm sure. But it doesn't work with me. For one thing, you won't look me in the eye. As for the other†¦ I don't know. I can just tell.†Damn. He could tell. He just knew me that well. I stood up and moved to the door, keeping my back to him. Normally, I treasured every minute with him, but I couldn't stick around today. I hated lying, but I didn't want to tell the truth either. I had to leave. â€Å"Look, I appreciate you being worried about me†¦but really, it's okay. I just messed up. I'm embarrassed about it – and sorry I put your awesome training to shame – but I'll rebound. Next time, Stan's ass is mine.†I hadn't even heard him get up, but suddenly, Dimitri was right behind me. He placed a hand on my shoulder, and I froze in front of the door leading out. He didn't touch me anywhere else. He didn't try to pull me closer. But, oh, that one hand on my shoulder held all the power in the world. â€Å"Rose,†he said, and I knew he was no longer smiling. â€Å"I don't know why you're lying, but I know you wouldn't do it without a good reason. And if there's something wrong – something you're afraid to tell the others – â€Å" I spun around rapidly, somehow managing to pivot in place in such a way that his hand never moved yet ended up on my other shoulder. â€Å"I'm not afraid,†I cried. â€Å"I do have my reasons, and believe me, what happened with Stan was nothing. Really. All of this is just something stupid that got blown out of proportion. Don't feel sorry for me or feel like you have to do anything. What happened sucks, but I'll just roll with it and take the black mark. I'll take care of everything. I'll take care of me.†It took all of my strength just then not to shake. How had this day gotten so bizarre and out of control? Dimitri didn't say anything. He just looked down at me, and the expression on his face was one I'd never seen before. I couldn't interpret it. Was he mad? Disapproving? I just couldn't tell. The fingers on my shoulder tightened slightly and then relaxed. â€Å"You don't have to do this alone,†he said at last. He sounded almost wistful, which made no sense. He was the one who'd been telling me for so long that I needed to be strong. I wanted to throw myself into his arms just then, but I knew I couldn't. I couldn't help a smile. â€Å"You say that†¦but tell me the truth. Do you go running to others when you have problems?†â€Å"That's the not the same – â€Å" â€Å"Answer the question, comrade.†â€Å"Don't call me that.†â€Å"And don't avoid the question either.†â€Å"No,†he said. â€Å"I try to deal with my problems on my own.†I slipped away from his hand. â€Å"See?†â€Å"But you have a lot of people in your life you can trust, people who care about you. That changes things.†I looked at him in surprise. â€Å"You don't have people who care about you?†He frowned, obviously rethinking his words. â€Å"Well, I've always had good people in my life†¦and there have been people who cared about me. But that doesn't necessarily mean I could trust them or tell them everything.†I was often so distracted by the weirdness of our relationship that I rarely thought about Dimitri as someone with a life away from me. He was respected by everyone on campus. Teachers and students alike knew him as one of the deadliest guardians here. Whenever we ran into guardians from outside the school, they always seemed to know and respect him too. But I couldn't recall ever having seen him in any sort of social setting. He didn't appear to have any close friends among the other guardians – just coworkers he liked. The friendliest I'd ever seen him get with someone had been when Christian's aunt, Tasha Ozera, visited. They'd known each other for a long time, but even that hadn't been enough for Dimitri to pursue once her visit was over. Dimitri was alone an awful lot, I realized, content to hole up with his cowboy novels when not working. I felt alone a lot, but in truth, I was almost always surrounded by people. With him being my teacher, I tended to view things as one-sided: He was the one always giving me something, be it advice or instruction. But I gave him something too, something harder to define – a connection with another person. â€Å"Do you trust me?†I asked him. The hesitation was brief. â€Å"Yes.†â€Å"Then trust me now, and don't worry about me just this once.†I stepped away, out of the reach of his arm, and he didn't say anything more or try to stop me. Cutting through the room that I'd had the hearing in, I headed for the building's main exit, tossing the remnants of my hot chocolate in a garbage can as I walked past.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Rickshaw and Tenant
Relationship between an owner of the asset and his tenant. Introduction: This case study revolves around a man who is working as an auto rickshaw driver in the city of Lahore, Pakistan. He belongs to a poor family. So he has chosen to drive auto rickshaw in the suburbs of the city. He is actually working as a tenant for his owner. His owner has given him his asset and requires a fixed amount of money in return on daily basis. The name of the auto rickshaw driver is Mohammad Slam. He is 38 years old. He is basically a driver by profession. He has been driving an auto rickshaw from the last two years.Before coming into this field, he was working as a chauffeur for a family. He was quite happy working there but unfortunately he had to dismiss that Job as that family had moved abroad. Since he had no other work related to his field, so he decided to drive auto rickshaw in the main city. He lives in a rented house in the area of Model town, Lahore. He is married and has three children. He has to feed four persons in his family. Problems/Challenges of the tenant: According to M. Slam, he is surviving from hand to mouth. Whatever he earns, he spends it too quickly. He doesn't have any savings with him.He has four dependents that he has to look after. He said that his family is happy with him but he is not satisfied with his Job. He earns quite less as far as his expectations are concerned. He wants to start his own business. He believes that he can stay happy and earn more only if he does his own business. By working under this profession, he earns less. Sometimes he can't pay off his children's school fees. So this also creates a lot of problems for the tenant. He also complained that he has to bear all the expenses of the vehicle. All the repairing and maintenance charges are borne by the tenant.In case of any loss or accident, the tenant has to pay for those expenses. The petrol and C. N. G costs are also borne by the tenant. If expenses exceed RSI. 500 then the ow ner has to pay for that. There is also no written agreement or contact between the tenant and his owner. The owner trusted this guy and handed over his vehicle to him. There is only a verbal agreement between the two parties. Opinion of the owner: The owner of the asset is quite satisfied with the tenant because he gets RSI. 300 on daily basis. He earns RSI. 9000 from his auto rickshaw on monthly basis.He doesn't eave to worry much because he has to get his fixed amount from his tenant whether he has earned or not. Business outcomes: The tenant is not happy with this contract as he earns less. The owner is happy because he gets paid whether there is any earning or not. There is also no written contract between the two parties. There is no evidence available of this contract. There can be many learning outcomes derived out of this case study. In order to make this owner-tenant relationship better and strong, there should be a proper written agreement or a contract between the two par ties.Both the parties should eave evidence in writing. In case of any mishap or loss, they could show the written evidence to the respective authorities. Also, the owner should understand the nature of work of the tenant. He should show some leniency towards his tenant. The fixed amount of money should be less and it should be agreed upon the two parties. The tenant should be happy with the agreed amount as well the owner. Both the parties should be happy with this contract. The relationship between the two parties can be improved more if the owner takes the security of the tenant. He should minimize the rental amount.He should understand the problems faced by the tenant. He should support his tenant in every possible way. Finance facilities should be provided to the tenant so that he faces less problems in his life. Banks and specialized institutions should provide micro financing facilities to such tenants so that they can enjoy working in their profession. Owners are happy in thi s relationship but the tenants are not happy. They can remain happy if their financial burden is minimized. So the government should really consider this point as the number of tenants are increasing day by day in our country.Case Study no. 2 Relationship between an owner and a female tenant. This case study is about a woman, Near Bibb, who is working as a tenant. She is of 50 years of age. She has been working as a tenant for about six years. Her work is to sit on a permitted ground and sell roasted grams and beards. She is authorized to sit on that area and the permission is granted by her owner. She is married and has six children, four daughters and two sons. Two of her elder daughters and a son is married. She has to feed her three younger children. Her husband doesn't cooperate with her and doesn't give her any money.He is involved in drugs so she has left him. She works independently and feed hers three children. Her married son also doesn't give her any money. She is the sol e earner in her house at the moment. She comes from the Karol Road and lives in a rented house. Problems/Challenges faced by the tenant: She has to travel from her home to her work daily and gives RSI. 40 for one trip. That meaner she has to bear a total of RSI. 80 of the traveling expenses on a daily basis. She pays his owner RSI. 200 per day which makes RSI. 6000 a month. She is surviving from hand to mouth.She is the only person who is earning for her family. His husband doesn't support her at all as he is involved in drugs and bad vices. Near Bibb is not well physically. She had undergone a surgery. She said that all the medicines expenditure is also borne by her. She spends RSI. 2500 monthly on her medicines. Woman. She comes at 9 0 clock in the morning and goes back around at 6 pm in the evening. Her Job is really tough but still she has to do it as there is no other source of income. She also said that the workers working in her nearby are all good people and they've never te ased or disturbed her ever.She also said that she wanted to go broad and live there happily as she earned less here in Pakistan. The owner is quite happy with this contract because he gets paid on a fixed amount on daily basis. He earns RSI. 6000 from this agreement in a month. He is satisfied with his tenant because she is an honest working woman. He is very lenient with his tenant. Even if she has not earned much, he agrees to take less amount as well. He is very cooperative. Business Outcomes: The owner is happy with this relationship but the tenant is not happy. She faces a lot of financial problems. Her expenses exceed her income.She has to pay for her medical expenses as well. She feed three of her children. She has no one to support in her family. But she is satisfied with her owner because even if she doesn't earn Upton the agreed amount, her owner doesn't say her anything and agrees to take whatever she has earned in a day. Learning Outcomes: There should be a written contr act between the owner and his tenant. There should be written evidence. The owner should understand the problems of his tenant. Both the parties should agree upon a fixed amount which is accepted by the tenant. There should be no work load on the tenant.The tenant has chosen to work in a busy area here she can get more customers. So this could also be a learning point. She did not work near her residential area but she chose to work in a more commercial area in order to get more customers. She hardly manages to pay RSI. 80 as her traveling expense daily so that she can work in an area where she could earn more. Case Study no. 3: The relationship between owner of the asset and his tenant. This case study is about a young tenant who is twenty four years old. His name is Shaded. He is driving an auto rickshaw on rental basis. He has been into this profession since the last six months.He is Just a starter. When we interviewed him, we came to know that he has come from a very poor backgr ound. His parent couldn't afford education for him. That's why he had no other choice left and he thought of is into a contract with his owner since the last six months. He lives with his family and is not married yet. Thus he has to take responsibility of his parent's and siblings only. Problems faced by the tenant: Shaded said that he earns around more than RSI. 8000 in a month. His owner acquires a rent of RSI. 300 daily from him. That meaner he has to pay his owner a total of around RSI. 9000 per month whether he earns or not.The owner will acquire this amount from him at any cost. The tenant also claimed that if he fails to pay him the required amount, his owner wouldn't show any leniency. Rather he might throw him out of this contract. The tenant complained that his earnings were less according to his salary expectations. He doesn't earn much. He has to feed six member of his family and has to look after their wants and needs as well. It is really difficult to even provide two meals per day to his family members. He is surviving in his life from hand to mouth. The tenant protested that his Job is really tough.He works more than ten hours in a day. He also said that there are no fixed timings in this Job. Sometimes he has to drive the auto rickshaw day and night. But still he is not happy with his Job. He has to bear all the repairs and maintenance cost of the vehicle as well. He also has to bear all the petrol and gasoline expenses. The owner of the asset is happy and satisfied as long as he is receiving the rent on time. The owner doesn't have any problems with his tenant. He says that his tenant's behavior is quite good. His relationship can improve with his tenant only if he gives rent to him on time.If we give a deep insight into this contract, we come to see that the owner is quite happy with this relationship but the tenant is not happy at all. Tenant is earning less according to his expectations. He doesn't have any savings at all. Whatever he ear ns spends it. Thus we can say that the tenant is not happy with this contract. He is not at all excited when he goes to work. This Job serves as a compulsion for him as he has no other option. The owner of the asset is happy because he is earning good. But the tenant is not happy. The basic learning outcome that comes out be is that the owner should show mom leniency to the tenant.If the tenant cannot pay the required amount to his owner on time due to some problem, the owner shouldn't threaten him that he would fire him from the Job. Instead the owner should understand the problems of the tenant. If the tenant asks for some leniency from his owner's side, he should show it. If the tenant cannot pay the required rent or if he earns less in a day, the owner should take whatever he gets from him. He shouldn't argue with his tenant in this matter. The government also shouldn't charge any amount from the rickshaw drivers charges should be borne by the owner himself.There should be a wri tten agreement between the two parties so that they possess some evidence of this contract. Case Study no. 4: The relationship between an owner of the asset and a tenant. This case study revolves around a man named Hosannas who is working as a tenant and drives wagon on rental basis. He is thirty three years old. He has been into this profession from the last two years. His monthly earnings vary from time to time. Sometimes he earn more and sometimes less. He doesn't have a fixed salary. But he said that he earns more than eight thousand rupees in a month. He is a citizen ofLahore and has a house of himself. He is happily married and has one kid. He said that he has only two dependents in his family. He doesn't have much burden on his shoulders as he has to feed only two family members. This case study was a bit different and interesting as the tenant was quite satisfied with his Job. He earned well and said that his earnings matched up to his expectations. He has to work for more t han ten hours in a day. He also said that his job is tough but he still finds it interesting. He said that this Job is the only source of earnings for him so he has to work with full interest.He is very excited when he goes to work daily. The only problem he faced in his profession was the toughness of his job. His relationship with his owner is also good. His owner treats him fairly. His owner is happy with him if he pays the rent on time. The tenant is happy sometimes with the way his Job is going. He also manages easily with his current salary. The owner of the asset is satisfied with the tenant. The tenant behaves with him in a very polite manner. They never argue with each other. The owner is happy with this Both the owner and the tenant are quite satisfied with this contract.Their needs and wants are being fulfilled to an extent. They can improvise this relationship even more if they remain in good terms and behave with each other properly. Both the parties should understand e ach other's problems and support in business matters. The owner should remain lenient with his tenant. He should understand his nature of Job and its related problems as well. He shouldn't put a burden on him. He shouldn't be strict with him. He should let his tenant work with ease. This case study order to strengthen this relationship, both the parties should sign a written agreement of this contract.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
The Lasting Impresion of Reality Tv and Its Lack of Moral
Reality television has been around far longer than many give it credit. Many viewers forget about the very first reality television shows such as Big Brother, Survivor, and non-trashy versions of The Bachelor that displayed things such as alliance, friendship, and character development through the praises of its audience. Although newer shows have been accused of growing â€Å"trashier†; I feel that this change is actually only in response to the demand of its audience. Show popularity drops when the message they portray becomes â€Å"unhip†, or â€Å"uncool†.So in order to keep up ratings shows were forced to show what people wanted to see. As our country has slowly let go of morals and standards, its people have been forced to adapt. Reality television has been forced to diminish all possibilities for ever being labeled as â€Å"moral†. It has taken a direction for the worse and shows today lack little meaning or value. In its most current state, televis ion shows force its younger viewers to grow up faster, making younger and younger kids do adult things.These reality shows exemplify things such as sex, drugs, violence, and self-harm. Television producers these days simply have no problem exposing the youth to this rubbish. In fact, the producers are specifically targeting the youth with their unmoral and controversial shows. They often reward the rebel characters with extra TV time or book them for another reality show, while the moral and respectable characters are made out to be boring and hardly ever get rewarded.America keeps asking what is making each generation less and less moral, but they fail to recognize what kinds of examples are being set. Children have not become more influential, they simply have been influenced by worse things. In the past few years, there has been a major change to reality television that diminishes its moral teaching reputation. From music videos of half naked women to reality shows full of betray al, lies, and more vulgar than most can handle, the state of American television is in trouble.So where can you turn to when you want to avoid these unmoral shows and watch something good for a change? Well there is no clear-cut answer. Sadly, even some of the biggest networks such as CBS and NBC have started targeting the young crowd with shows that are completely inappropriate. The only solution to this problem is to simply search around a bit to find the perfect show for you. Use sites such as TVguide. com and Amazon. com to check out some reviews and customers' opinions on the show before you start getting into it..
Friday, September 13, 2019
English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 43
English - Essay Example There is a systematized industry and motif working behind the embalming of bodies and Jessica wanted to bring these points before the common mass, just to make it stronger that the procedure considered inevitable is not at all mandatory. An expert on death and dying, Jessica Mitford is completely against embalming dead bodies after death and puts forward many valid points in support of her contention. Her motive of writing this essay is explicit from the very beginning of the literary piece. She has placed a strong objection regarding the secrecy maintained during embalming. Another major purpose of writing this essay was to make it clear that the process of embalming is barbaric and it is evident that her real goal in writing this essay was to reach the common mass so that common people should understand, how barbaric the practices are and the mystery that actually lies behind the closed doors of the funeral parlors. She clearly claims that the ritual of embalming in North American funeral tradition is grotesque. Yet, people seem to remain ignorant about it. By highlighting these points, she wanted to create a common awareness against these rituals and tried to correct them. She brings out evidences to make her contentions more concrete. She wanted to show that a planned industry works behind these traditions which try to make burial a pleasurable thing. This ritual, according to Jessica, only prevails in North America and does not occupy any place in the tradition of other areas apart from it. She writes with specific examples. She brings forth the example of the ritual of open - casket ceremony only common in North America. She ends her essay with the following line that completely complements her intentions behind writing the essay: ʉہ"He has done everything in his power to make the funeral a real pleasure for everybody concerned. Consequently well over 90
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Joseph Beuys - Into Fat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Joseph Beuys - Into Fat - Essay Example The paper "Joseph Beuys: Into Fat" analyses Joseph Beuys and his art. â€Å"That’s how the Tartars found me days later. I remember voices saying ‘Voda’ (water), then the felt of their tents, and the dense pungent smell of cheese, fat and milk. They covered my body in fat to help it regenerate warmth, and wrapped it in felt as an insulator to keep warmth in.†It was written in Wikipedia that this story has served as a powerful myth of origins for Beuys’ artistic identity, as well as providing an initial interpretative key to his use of unconventional materials. However, this myth was not mentioned, even if to be shrouded in fiction, in an idiosyncratic CV that Beuys produced in a 1964 festival, title Life Course/Work Course. This CV was a self-consciously fictionalized account of the artist’s life, in which historical events mingle with metaphorical and mythical speech, marking a blurring of fact and fiction that was to be characteristic of Beu ys’ self-created persona. Thus, it was a debate on the grounds of the plane crash myth, for had it been a real occurrence, it would have had a place it Beuys’ CV. Had it been made-believe, it would still secure a place in the controversial CV being that the myth provided the inspiration for his life’s work. And yet it was never to be documented this plane crash which happened in Cremia and his eventual meeting with the Tartars who taught Beuys the healing properties of fat and felt. Beuys staged performances or what he call â€Å"actions†which had the magic of rituals.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
My Laptop, the Culprit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
My Laptop, the Culprit - Essay Example Admitting lack of funds, one discovers, is not a great conversational piece, nor does it leave one with many friends. However, upon acquiring some wealth of my own, hard earned I should add, I decided to replace my comatose computer with a new laptop. This necessitated a trip to the nearest retail store to buy the best laptop I could afford, which in turn resulted in my triumphant return with a brand new shiny, black laptop. The laptop is efficient, silent (a much-appreciated quality after having to endure the noise of the previous computer) and very much in line with current technology. Of course, I dare not mention the model and make of the laptop for fear that one man’s treasure is another’s garbage. Suffice it to say that I hold it very dear to me and it is one of my most prized possessions. I have noticed, however, that this acquisition has resulted in a few changes in my character. Firstly, whereas before I had time for all of my friends and family, now I want to be glued to the screen of my laptop, either playing some online game, or reading some article, or just mindlessly surfing on the internet – working on assignments are kept to a minimum. My old computer barely functioned, so I had limited myself to only working on my assignments on it – how it managed to run Microsoft Office is beyond me, but thank God it did, because otherwise I would have had to resort to going to the public library for even the smallest of assignments and for even the shortest of emails (yes, surprisingly, I could check my email on it too). Now, however, I can run just about any application on my laptop. So, I can be spotted sitting in my room alone, either trying to master some obscure technique to finish some obscure level of some obscure game, or watching a movie, or just surfing around looking for anything I might find interesting.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Budget prioritization issues, budget cuts, increases tuitions affect Essay - 1
Budget prioritization issues, budget cuts, increases tuitions affect higher education - Essay Example Students always have a strong back-up on their demands: they could possibly organize a strike to paralyze all the operations of an institution if not heard. There are pressing issues and injustices that college students face in the course of their studies that ought to be addressed (Munoz 70). Activism is the act of lobbying for social, economic or political transformation using laid down policies, peaceful negotiations or forceful campaigns by an individual or group of people. Other scholars have also defined activism as the practice that advocates for enthusiastic actions in pushing for or when against a debatable issue. Many times, activism has been associated with objection, opposition or some absurd behaviors against established authorities (Munoz 72). However, activism has been a tool for facilitating positive actions and behaviors in the society. People involved in activism mostly have an accepted thought and vision for their society. Organizations, trade unions and political parties have used activism to lobby for international, regional and national actions about different issues in the society. Students, for the sake of this research, have also actively used their unions to lobby for changes in different sectors in the colleges and universities in which they lea rn. Examples of such include the East LA student Walk Out of 19 68, the Gidra-Asian American UCLA student publication in the 1960s and the 3rd World liberation front strike interested in creation of ethnic studies. Other actions included the Students’ non-violent Coordinating Committee, the push for women’s centers and LGBT centers on campuses and the Free Speech Movement among others (Yamane 14). All these were combined efforts of students in colleges to ensure that the interest of the colleges’ leadership was on proper use of finances for equality in education. The interest of this paper would be to find out whether the issues raised by the students were acceptable, reasonable and
Monday, September 9, 2019
APPLYING MOTIVATIONAL THEORIES IN THE WORKPLACE - Assignment Example (Gawel, 1997). Individuals working within an organization have different needs and desires which need to be fulfilled in a manner that not only achieve the organizational objective of improved employee performance but also motivate them to continue to perform. Such efforts therefore require that there must be a constant effort by the organization to continue to motivate their employees through different ways and means including compensating them adequately for their work. (Mullins, 1985). Employee motivation however, may not only be associated with explicit rewarding of the employees through monetary benefits but an inspirational motivation can be the source of implicit motivation for the employees. In order to achieve this implicit motivation, inspirational leadership therefore shall be instrumental in achieving such results. It is argued that commitment towards work is a voluntary act and as such organization despite providing all the environment and necessary tools to perform may not be able to get the desired level of commitment from its employees.(Rabey,2001). This case study may also be attributed to this fact of not achieving the desired behavior from an employee despite the fact that voluntary commitment is there from the employee. What is therefore important to understand here is the fact that absence of motivation can often lead to the behaviors which may not be entirely in favor of the organization. Employee motivation and participation is often considered as following the crescendo effect in career motivation because with the passage of time, employees, if given the proper motivation through equitable reward and compensation, promotions etc, can quicken the pace of their commitment towards work.(King,1997). However, in order to achieve such motivation employers have to set up a just and equitable motivational system
Religion, Rationality, and Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Religion, Rationality, and Violence - Essay Example According to research findings, religious violence or terrorism is a modern socio-political syndrome arising from the far-fetched religious thinking. This has vividly projected cosmic images of war. Religions have sought the restoration of order by the affirmation of life through the violence of cosmic war. Many schools of thought have held the maxim that for religion to do more good than harm in our society, then religion has to dress up the armor of temper of rationality and fair play that Enlightenment values gives to society. Religion qua religion is inherently violent; the Enlightenment must redeem it. Harrison, Everett F., ed. (1960) Christianity for example, has been known to have harbored the worst violent legacy the stretches back into the black age. Questions being pondered are whether Christianity should get the Enlightenment redress. The exposition of a religious Hitler can be depicted in most fanatical scenario’s perpetrated around the globe the most lunatical believers. Mother Teresa, with all her shortcomings, is a typical embodiment of what modern Christianity is contrary portraying. Harris, Harriet A. (2004). Religion Islam has been demonised as a rhetorical device, to try to persuade fundamentalist Christians. Harris brings out comparisons with the "terrorists" that Christian's are so afraid of. In so doing, Harris paints all of Islam with a rather broad brush and makes some serious errors of cause and effect. For example, he contends that Middle East terrorism is indeed because of religion and repeats the old propaganda about virgins in paradise, while completely ignoring class issues, imperialism, occupation and invasion, poverty, desperation, and political manipulation by Arab states for entirely secular reasons. Barthel, Manfred and Mark Howson, trans. (1982). The only evidence he offers in favor of his thesis is that the World Trade Center hijackers were middle-class and hadn't experienced political repression, a contention that he doesn't bother to defend and that also doesn't support generalization from al-Qaeda to all of Islam or even all of Islamic terrorism. He's way too eager to use a current political bogeyman to support a different argument and in so doing falls into the sloppy and simplistic reasoning that he's criticized through the rest of the book. Harrison, Jane. (1996) Harris does a good job pointing out the reasons why atheists find fundamentalist Christianity so absurd. The sections on Biblical inerrancy and on the Bible as a moral force are particularly good, although if one hasn't already realized that the Biblical text cannot support its supposed moral lessons without a great deal of strain and selective reading, I don't think Harris will convince. And that raises the strategic problem: Harris is preaching to the choir, will make those who already believe what he believes feel better about their beliefs, and is unlikely to make much impact with his supposed target audience. First, the basic argument over religion faces a communication gap before it ever reaches the level of argument and analysis. People don't tend to seek out polemics against their closely held beliefs unless they're just looking for reasons to get angry or ways to undermine an argument. Harris says that he's writing this book to provide ammunition, but while that ammunition can turn away or argue down evangelicals who are trying to convert an atheist, I doubt it ever does much to convince them their belief is wrong. Second, I think Harris misses, or at least fails to address, the basic reasons why people believe. His target is religious faith, but he's attacking it in the way that one would attack a scientific theory. Religious faith is not, in
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